Sunday, December 29, 2019

Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU

La trata de personas es una felonà ­a grave en el que una persona –el victimario– capta, recluta, transporta o aloja a la và ­ctima mediante el uso de fuerza fà ­sica, amenazas, secuestro, fraude, mentiras o abuso de situacià ³n de superioridad. El fin es explotar a la và ­ctima sexualmente o forzarla a trabajar en condiciones similares a la esclavitud o a la servidumbre, o para extraer de su cuerpo uno o varios à ³rganos. Tambià ©n se considera trata de personas forzar a la và ­ctima a mendigar, a producir pornografà ­a, a contraer un matrimonio de conveniencia, a vender a un hijo o a operar como soldado o guerrillero. Este artà ­culo informa sobre la situacià ³n del trà ¡fico de personas en EE.UU., las leyes que aplican a este delito, las exenciones migratorias para las và ­ctimas y quà © hacer si se sospecha de trà ¡fico de personas. Puntos clave: Trata de personas y efectos migratorios en EEUU En el delito de trata de personas, el victimario engaà ±a o fuerza a la và ­ctima, quien es explotada sexual o laboralmente.En EE.UU. la trata de personas es un delito federal castigado con penas de 10 aà ±os a cadena perpetua. El extranjero condenado por esta felonà ­a es deportado.Las và ­ctimas de trata de personas en EE.UU. pueden solicitar la visa T para permanecer en el paà ­s junto con sus familiares inmediatos.Para reportar trata de personas o solicitar ayuda, marque gratis y confidencialmente al 1 (888) 373-7888. Se habla espaà ±ol. Datos sobre el trà ¡fico de personas en Estados Unidos La Organizacià ³n Mundial del Trabajo estima que, en la actualidad, 25 millones de personas en todo el mundo son và ­ctimas de trata de personas, siendo el 75 por ciento de ellas mujeres o nià ±os. Este es un problema que tambià ©n existe en Estados Unidos, por lo que las leyes de este paà ­s establecen castigos para los victimarios y ayuda para las và ­ctimas. Ademà ¡s, si las và ­ctimas son extranjeras, podrà ­an calificar para el alivio migratorio o exencià ³n conocido como visa T para và ­ctimas de trà ¡fico humano. Segà ºn Polaris, la principal agencia de lucha contra la trata de personas en Estados Unidos, cientos de miles de personas son và ­ctimas de este delito. En el aà ±o 2017, se reportaron a la Là ­nea Caliente Nacional del Trà ¡fico de Personas (NHTH, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) un total de 8.759 casos de trata de personas en el paà ­s, que afectaron a mà ¡s de 10.000 và ­ctimas, casi 5.000 victimarios y 1.500 negocios. Las principales causas de denuncia por trata de personas fueron la explotacià ³n sexual, donde la edad media de las và ­ctimas era de 19 aà ±os, seguido de la combinacià ³n de explotacià ³n sexual y abuso laboral que se desarrolla en lugares como locales de masaje ilegales, strip clubs o cantinas. En tercer lugar de frecuencia en los casos de denuncia figura la explotacià ³n laboral, incluyendo casos de servidumbre domà ©stica, explotacià ³n en el trabajo agrà ­cola y mendicidad forzada. Del total de casos reportados, el 80 por ciento de las và ­ctimas eran mujeres y nià ±as, y el 35 por ciento de los casos en los que se reportà ³ el grupo à ©tnico, este era el latino. Leyes de EEUU sobre trata de personas y sus castigos En Estados Unidos, las leyes federales sobre trata de personas son las mà ¡s importantes y tienen aplicacià ³n en todo el paà ­s. La mà ¡s relevante es la Ley de Proteccià ³n de Và ­ctimas de Trà ¡fico Humano (TVPA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) que se aprobà ³ en el aà ±o 2000 y que incluyà ³ a este delito dentro de la categorà ­a de crà ­menes federales. Ademà ¡s, creà ³ la visa T para proteger a los migrantes và ­ctimas de trata de personas. Tambià ©n son importantes el conjunto de leyes que se conoce como Ley de Reautorizacià ³n de Proteccià ³n de Và ­ctimas de Trà ¡fico Humano (TVPRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que fueron aprobadas entre 2003 y 2013. En particular destaca la de 2003, en la que se establece que el delito de trà ¡fico humano puede ser juzgado de acuerdo a las provisiones del Estatuto de Organizaciones del Crimen Organizado, conocido en inglà ©s por las siglas RICO. En otras palabras, a los acusados de trà ¡fico humano se les puede juzgar con las mismas leyes que aplican a la mafia. Tambià ©n es de destacar la ley aprobada en 2008, la cual exige que se examine a todos los nià ±os que llegan solos a la frontera de Estados Unidos para determinar si son và ­ctimas de trata de personas. Finalmente, la Ley Mann de 1910 que califica de felonà ­a el persuadir o forzar a otra persona a cruzar de un estado a otro para ejercer la prostitucià ³n y que es utilizada frecuentemente para juzgar el delito de trata de personas. Todas estas leyes està ¡n codificadas en el Capà ­tulo 78, Tà ­tulo 22 del Cà ³digo de los Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que ademà ¡s de las leyes federales, aplican las leyes del estado donde se cometa el delito. En cuanto al castigo por trata de personas, las penas pueden ir de diez aà ±os a cadena perpetua, dependiendo de las caracterà ­sticas del crimen. Ademà ¡s, es posible perder la propiedad sobre las instalaciones en las que se hubiera alojado a las và ­ctimas extranjeras de este delito, en aplicacià ³n de la Ley de Incautacià ³n de Bienes Civiles (CAFRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Asimismo, si el victimario condenado por la felonà ­a de trata de personas es extranjero, serà ¡ deportado al cumplir su pena de prisià ³n. Dichas personas son consideradas, desde el punto de vista migratorio, como inadmisibles para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Exencià ³n o alivio migratorio para và ­ctimas de trata de personas Cada aà ±o fiscal, las autoridades de Estados Unidos aprueban un mà ¡ximo de 5.000 visas T para và ­ctimas de trata de personas. Los beneficiados y sus familiares inmediatos pueden quedarse en el paà ­s y solicitar, a los tres aà ±os, una tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Para obtener este beneficio migratorio es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos estrictos. En primer lugar, ser và ­ctima de trata de personas calificada como grave. Tienen dicha consideracià ³n las và ­ctimas de trà ¡fico sexual y las de trà ¡fico laboral. En segundo lugar, la và ­ctima debe estar presente en Estados Unidos, Samoa Americana, Islas Marianas Americanas o en un puerto de entrada. En este à ºltimo caso, la razà ³n debe ser precisamente porque en ese momento se està ¡ intentando ingresar a la và ­ctima a EE.UU. para explotarla sexual o laboralmente. En tercer lugar, para recibir la visa T, la và ­ctima de trata de personas debe colaborar con las autoridades en la investigacià ³n del caso. La à ºnica excepcià ³n aplica a los menores de 18 aà ±os, si no estuvieran en condiciones de hacerlo. En cuarto lugar, la và ­ctima debe ser considerada admisible desde el punto de vista migratorio o, si no lo es, solicitar y obtener un perdà ³n o waiver correspondiente. Cabe desatacar que la visa T es uno de los casos en los que la persona migrante podrà ­a arreglar los papeles sin salir de Estados Unidos aà ºn cuando hubiera ingresado ilegalmente al paà ­s. Y en quinto y à ºltimo lugar, la và ­ctima debe demostrar que sufrirà ­a dureza extrema en forma de daà ±o inusual y severo si tuviera que regresar a su paà ­s de origen. Para solicitar la visa T la và ­ctima debe enviar al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) el formulario gratuito I-914 y acompaà ±arlo del I-914 Suplemento B. Debido a la complejidad de estas visas y a la situacià ³n de indocumentados de los solicitantes es altamente recomendable contar con la asesorà ­a de un abogado para dichas planillas. Ademà ¡s, si la và ­ctima solicita la visa para sus familiares, debe tambià ©n enviar al USCIS el formulario I-914 Suplemento A. En cuanto a los familiares que pueden incluirse, la respuesta depende de la edad de la và ­ctima. Asà ­, si tiene 21 aà ±os de edad o mà ¡s, puede solicitar la visa T para su cà ³nyuge y para sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. Por el contrario, si la và ­ctima es menor de 21 aà ±os, puede solicitar la visa para su cà ³nyuge, hijos, padres y hermanos solteros menores de 18 aà ±os. Si el gobierno aprueba la visa T, su beneficiario obtendrà ¡ al mismo tiempo un permiso de trabajo. La visa es và ¡lida por tres aà ±os y al finalizar ese plazo se puede solicitar la tarjeta de residencia permanente mediante trà ¡mite que se conoce como ajuste de estatus. Mientras se resuelve la solicitud de la visa T, los solicitantes deben consultar sobre los posibles beneficios que pueda brindar el estado en donde residen. Por ejemplo, en California se podrà ­a tener derecho a ocho meses de asistencia econà ³mica, ademà ¡s de cupones de alimentos y seguro mà ©dico a travà ©s de Medi-Cal. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta los cambios legislativos recientes sobre quà © es beneficio pà ºblico y sus efectos migratorios, se recomienda consultar con un abogado antes de solicitarlos.  ¿Dà ³nde reportar sospechas de trà ¡fico de personas y encontrar organizaciones de ayuda? Polaris es la organizacià ³n sin fin de lucro a cargo de la là ­nea caliente nacional para reportar el delito de trata de personas o solicitar ayuda. Se puede marcar gratuita y confidencialmente al 1(888) 373-7888, donde atienden en mà ¡s de 200 idiomas, incluido el espaà ±ol. Tambià ©n se puede contactar en las redes sociales o enviando el mensaje de texto BeFree al 233733. Ademà ¡s, todas las grandes organizaciones de ayuda a los migrantes pueden ayudar a las và ­ctimas o referirlas adecuadamente. Finalmente, Kids in Need of Defense y Coalition to Abolish Slavery Trafficking son dos organizaciones muy comprometidas a brindar ayuda en casos de trata de personas, incluida la asesorà ­a legal a migrantes. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Movement Of Virginia Woolf s Kew Gardens - 1722 Words

The movement of Virginia Woolf s Kew Gardens is quite the mutineer towards the traditional writing format of a beginning, middle and ending. Although, the story does eventually end, Woolf creates a space in time within this story s reality where there really is no beginning, nor a way to end it. We just become in the moment, infinitely moving through space and time, observing all tiny details around us. To analyze this story, we have to think of it as an abstract painting, and assume there will be thousands of ways to articulate it, but no matter how long we spend looking at it there will be still so much that we don t understand. That is the gist of how inventively complex Kew Gardens is, and the only way we re going to decipher†¦show more content†¦Within the first few sentences of Woolf s prose, we are immediately submerged into a world of extreme detail, in the rich colors of the flowers and vegetation of a single oval flowerbed, sitting in the center of the Royal Botan ic Gardens of London: From the oval-shaped flower-bed there rose perhaps a hundred stalks spreading into heart-shaped or tongue-shaped leaves half way up and unfurling at the tip red or blue or yellow petals marked with spots of colour raised upon the surface. (Woolf 1) The sheer detail of the imagery we are given here becomes clearer as we draw closer and closer to the stock of a singled out flower. The narrator appears to have found awe in the beauty of such flowers in nature based on these descriptions. These vivid details come together to bring this scene to life by capturing the pure aspects of the reader s senses: sight, smells, hearing, and feelings. The work of Woolf s prose in this section of detail make the subjectivity and objectivity of the narrative s voice as it focus on every little bright image that it finds moving or in motion. In the next scene, we move further down to the ground of the flowerbed,

Friday, December 13, 2019

Introduction Technology Enhanced Learning In Education Education Essay Free Essays

â€Å" The Internet is a timely tool for pedagogues who are reforming instruction. If we believe information is the bedrock of cognition, understanding and power, so cosmopolitan entree, to worldwide databases and latest, planetary information and people-to-people networking, is important to supplying pupils with educational challenges. † Children and striplings in modern societies are turning up in a universe where engineering is present everyplace. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction Technology Enhanced Learning In Education Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The extended usage of Information and Communication Technologies ( ICT ) by striplings in their day-to-day life for leisure, amusement and societal interaction is doing a great impact on their acquisition demands, demands and outlooks. They need to larn accomplishments and competencies, for self-development, engagement in society every bit good as for future occupations. Furthermore, they are besides progressively utilizing ICT for any learning intents, frequently outside the schoolroom. This gives rise to new ways of acquisition, including informal 1s which are shaped by new ICT tools, offering exciting larning chances that are basically different than earlier tools. This is the ground why instruction is sing a major invention and the instrument in this development is the computing machine. Computers and cyberspace installations are nowadays available in all our province schools: from primary to secondary and besides at the third degree. It is expected that instruction will see ICT as a major instruction and larning tool across all educational establishments. With its power of interactivity, multimedia and communicating, the computing machine proves an first-class tool for instruction. Psychologists believe that the best feedback is that which comes instantly after the event. What can be more immediate than ‘surfing ‘ the cyberspace and acquiring the consequences wished for within seconds? Of class, the usage of ICT in instruction brings along the demand to larn how to utilize this medium decently because there are legion ways in which the computing machine can be integrated within the learning procedure. Therefore new learning methods need to be explored, equipment has to be purchased, installed, on a regular basis maintained and instructors require preparation. This finally leads to consequences which decidedly need to be evaluated and reviewed for farther betterment. 1.1.1 Virtual Learning Environment Recent old ages have seen a considerable scope of tools and programmes that support online acquisition. One such type is a practical acquisition environment which is a web-based information-rich acquisition environment that provides a scope of tools and installations for scholars and instructors to work together. INSPIRAL, a undertaking in the United Kingdom, defined practical acquisition environments as follows: â€Å" VLEs are web-based toolkits that facilitate larning through the proviso and integrating of online instruction and acquisition stuffs and tools. † INSPIRAL ( 2001 ) This brings about a displacement in the important function of the instructor, from that of ‘gatekeeper ‘ of cognition to that of ‘facilitator ‘ and ‘manager ‘ of the acquisition environment, in order to run into the demands of the pupils. Therefore, the pupil, through the counsel of the instructor, sets precedences and accomplishable ends and takes on the duty for making the set ends. Students have the chance to prosecute in autonomous acquisition experiences and activities that promote self-expression, co-operative acquisition and interaction non merely with their immediate environment but with the outside universe every bit good. Aims of the Probe There is a sense of urgency for instruction establishments to happen ways to move in favor of the new larning coevals in order to enable new ways of larning guaranting that the accomplishments for future occupations are acquired. It is indispensable to do certain that 21st century acquisition in Europe, particularly in Malta, becomes more efficient, just and advanced than it of all time was in the yesteryear. The European 2020 scheme high spots of import tendencies, which will take to a extremist transmutation in instruction taking up new accomplishments needed for new occupations. In this regard, e-learning has many assets to offer so as to reenforce and do more accessible educational facets. Teachers hence need to go go-betweens between pupils, cognition and engineering while internet-based societal networking will be a complimentary characteristic to practical acquisition. This scheme aims at sharing best patterns on e-learning undertakings across Europe with a peculiar accent on mobility, quality criterions, instructors ‘ preparation and games. At the European Council held in Lisbon in March 2000, 15 European Heads of Government set a end for Europe to go the most competitory knowledge-based economic system in the universe, capable of sustainable economic growing with more and better occupations and greater societal coherence. Due to the fact that ICT and other related policies play a cardinal function in accomplishing the ends of the Lisbon scheme, the renewed Lisbon ends of 2005 included programs to ease invention through the execution of ICT and higher investing in human capital. Brian Restall, ( 2008 ) in the study ‘The Development of eServices in an Hypertrophied Europium: eLearning in Malta ‘ , presents the consequences of a research on e-learning in Malta. The authorities invested well in ICT in public schools in the last decennary. This has allowed the Maltese instruction sector to be ranked as one of the most technologically connected in the universe. All province schools are networked, connected to broadband cyberspace with a computing machine and an enterprise has been launched to utilize ICT across the course of study. However it is worthy of note that the deficiency of expertness and practical support in seting into pattern e-learning in the course of study, together with appropriate preparation both for instructors and pupils, is still lending significantly to the restrictions of consumption. In fact, most of the attempts that have been noted locally were in most instances consequences of independent attempts at the integrating of ICT in instruction. E-learning is non about taking classroom-based acquisition and forcing it down a wire. Rather, e-learning nowadayss a new position on how engineering can be applied to heighten what instructors do good now, and to present new advanced ways to maximize the handiness, enjoyment and the effectivity of larning for the person. Indeed, online acquisition can besides let educational experiences to be tailored to the demands of persons or groups of persons. Other societal groups, such as scholars with household committednesss and with disablements, can besides profit if the physical and temporal obstructions to instruction are removed with the aid of engineering. â€Å" A major challenge which the present instruction system faces is the effectual and efficient operation of the different educational services in order to supply quality instruction ‘for all kids to win ‘ , a taking aim of the Ministry of Education. The educational substructure and system has grown to such an extent that it requires a more timely and effectual bringing of services and support. † Although the research carried out in this peculiar country has non been conclusive, the ‘laptop for instructors ‘ enterprise, and other similar attempts[ 1 ]hold proven to lend to instructors ‘ betterment of ICT literacy. In secondary schools particularly, holistic attacks to ICT integrating should go the norm instead than the exclusion. The ICT accomplishments that Maltese pupils are geting during their ICT lessons need to be used in other topics in order to implant the accomplishments gained. Some schools are already trying inter-disciplinary and cross-curricular classs and are gaining the potency of ICT ; nevertheless more schools need to do such a measure. On the other manus, a recent â€Å" cognition function † exercising conducted by the World Bank ‘s Information for Development Programme ( InfoDev ) ( Trucano, 2005 ) revealed that, despite decennaries of big investings in ICT to profit instruction in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) states, information to back up the theoretical benefits from ICT are limited. After gaining the job that occurred within the past old ages where merely classroom-based acquisition was taking topographic point without instructors doing usage of ICT tools, as described in this subdivision and as summarised below, the chief aims that this thesis will try to make are: How to outdo integrate the usage of ICT with the acquisition of Mathematics, viz. the subject of Algebra Derive an penetration and hence compare the interactions that happen in the schoolroom and on-line Structure of the Probe The first portion of this thesis gives a reappraisal of different literatures and surveies that have taken topographic point global. Emphasis is put on those coming from the United Kingdom, besides those from Malta. This is because, Maltese instruction has invariably moved, someway, in conformity with British instruction. The method of how the research was carried out will so be explained in item and eventually the informations and consequences obtained will be analysed and compared. The thesis will reason with some recommendations given to instructors who would wish to better, with the aid of ICT, the mathematical acquisition experience offered in Maltese schools. How to cite Introduction Technology Enhanced Learning In Education Education Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Iago In Shakespeares Othello Essay Example For Students

Iago In Shakespeares Othello Essay Perhaps the most interesting and exotic character in the tragic play Othello, by William Shakespeare, is Honest Iago. Through some carefully thought-out words and actions, Iago is able to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits him and moves him closer toward his goals. He is the main driving force in this play, pushing Othello and everyone else towards their tragic end. Iago is not your ordinary villain. The role he plays is rather unique and complex, far from what one might expect. Iago is smart. He is an expert judge of people and their characters and uses this to his advantage. For example, he knows Roderigo is in love with Desdemona and figures that he would do anything to have her as his own. Iago says about Roderigo, Thus do I ever make my fool my purse. By playing on his hopes, Iago is able to swindle money and jewels from Roderigo, making himself a substantial profit, while using Roderigo to forward his other goals. He also thinks quick on his feet and is able to improvise whenever something unexpected occurs. When Cassio takes hold of Desdemonas hand before the arrival of the Moor Othello, Iago says, With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio. His cunning and craftiness make him a truly dastardly villain indeed. Being as smart as he is, Iago is quick to recognize the advantages of trust and uses it as a tool to forward his purposes. Throughout the story he is commonly known as, and commonly called, Honest Iago. He even says of himself, I am an honest man. Trust is a very powerful emotion that is easily abused. Othello, holds well;/The better shall purpose work on him. Iago is a master of abuse in this case turning peoples trust in him into tools to forward his own goals. His medcine works! Thus credulous fools are caught. Iago slowly poisons peoples thoughts, creating ideas in their heads without implicating himself. And whats he then that says I play the villain, when this advice is free I give, and honest, says Iago, the master of deception. And thus, people rarely stop to consider the possibility that old Iago could be deceiving them or manipulating them, after all, he is Honest Iago.Iago makes a fool out of Roderigo. In fact, the play starts out with Iago having already taken advan tage of him. Roderigo remarks, That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine. Throughout the play, Iago leads Roderigo by the collar professing that he hate(s) the Moor and telling Roderigo to make money so that he can give gifts to Desdemona to win her over. During the whole play however, Iago is just taking those gifts that Roderigo intends for Desdemona and keeps them for himself. Roderigo eventually starts to question Iagos honesty, saying I think it is scurvy, and begin to find myself fopped in it. When faced with this accusation, Iago simply offers that killing Cassio will aid his cause and Roderigo blindly falls for it, hook, line, and sinker. I have no great devotion to the deed, and yet he has given me satisfying reason, says the fool Roderigo. And with this deed, Roderigo is lead to his death by the hands of none other than, Honest Iago.Cassio, like Roderigo, follows Iago blindly, thinking the whole time that Iago is trying to help him. And durin g this whole time, Iago is planning the demise of Cassio, his supposed friend. On the night of Cassios watch, Iago convinces him to take another drink, knowing very well that it will make him very drunk. Cassio just follows along, though he says, Ill dot, but it dislikes me. Iago is able to make him defy his own reasoning to take another drink! Crafty, is this Iago. When Roderigo follows through with the plan Iago has set on him, Cassio is made to look like an irresponsible fool, resulting in his termination as lieutenant. After this incident, Iago sets another of his plans in motion by telling Cassio to beg Desdemona to help his cause, saying, she holds it a vice in her goodness not to do more than she is requested. And thus, Cassio is set on a dark path which leads to trouble and mischief. Yet, Cassio follows it blindly telling Iago, You advise me well. With this, Cassio is eventually led into a trap where Roderigo maims him, and all that time, Iago his friend is behind it al l. .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 , .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .postImageUrl , .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 , .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322:hover , .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322:visited , .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322:active { border:0!important; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322:active , .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322 .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u28a213d6ffd9af175c1c8847e43f7322:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Coputers In Modern Society EssayLowly Iago, is capable of anything not even Othello is safe from this villain. Othello holds Iago to be his close friend and advisor. He believes Iago to be a person, of exceeding honesty, knows all qualities, with learned spirit of human dealings. Yes, he does know all about human dealings, but no he is not honest. He uses the trust Othello puts in him to turn Othello eventually into a jealous man, looking everywhere.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Reckless by Bryan Adams free essay sample

Reckless is the first album of Bryan Adams and is my personal favorite. Its his master piece. It’s the one of the most melodious song I heard before. I have never heard of anything melodious like that. Thought its an old album, it is emotional one. The album was first released in October 1984.Run to you was released as the debut single from the album Reckless’. It was recorded after the tour of Asia. On October 18, 1984 in Canada and U.S.A it becomes one of the most successful songs from the album of American rock charts. The song reached the top ten on the Main stream Rock tracks and was Adams first number one hit on the main stream rock tracks. Bryans melody voice is the centre piece of the album He gargled and sings so sweetly such the way it will touches your heart. We will write a custom essay sample on Reckless by Bryan Adams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another notable thing is the lyrics in the song have a great meaning. Especially the song summer of 69 is the greatest song I ever heard. It is about how Bryan Adam first started to sing. Another notable thing is Bryans guitar .The guitar’s parts are more simplistic than his sound. Accompanied with the drums, the music is really amazing. The choreography of this album Reckless is really amazing one. Mostly this album is taken in hill region and in the beaches. Though the culture changes from time to time, many singers are fading from the mind of people as the dream. But till my last breath, I will remember Bryan Adams and especially his album Reckless’. It won over the time and culture that is changing so fast. Id recommend this album to every one, especially those who are the fan of Bryan Adams and those who want to hear the old delicate music. This is the first album send to me by my friend and I was really impressed by this cause, I never heard such music before. In other words, I would say this song is the best song I heard before.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Essay Sample on African Americans in Interracial Partnerships

Essay Sample on African Americans in Interracial Partnerships Free sample essay on African Americans: In this essay I will examine partnerships involving African Americans and persons of a different race by using the following question: How are African Americans represented through television and movies as members of an interracial relationships and what traits are being passed on to the next generation of viewers? The first interracial partnership that I examined was that of Claudette and Vic from the television series, The Shield. In the three episodes I viewed from season two, there was a huge underlying conflict between Claudette and Vic (Williams-Hawkins Video Archive, Tape #B-010). Claudette seems inherently suspicious of Vic due to his ambiguity and his past record. Claudette, an African American female and the leader of the precinct is portrayed as a true team-leader, demanding, but still polite about it. She also interacts with Captain Aceveda, a Latino, on a regular basis, working side by side with him. Aceveda was also very suspicious of Vic. Joe Clark, a black man who was Vics training officer, but was later kicked off the force, was somewhat on the other side of the spectrum from Claudette. Joe was originally asked advice by Vic, but then tries to get Vic to participate in a revenge scheme against the man who had him kicked off the force. Through Claudette and Joe we see that Afric an Americans in The Shield are represented mostly as good partners, whether they are good people or not, thats a whole different question (Williams-Hawkins Video Archive, Tape# B-002). The second interracial partnership I examined was that of Lieutenant Fancy and Detective Sipowicz on the police drama NYPD Blue. Sipowicz always appears to be very suspicious of the African American witnesses, and is sometimes rude or racist towards his boss, Lieutenant Fancy, especially while arguing with him. Fancy is an upstanding man, always quick to think of the team before himself, whether with Sipowicz or another member of the precinct he always seems to get along all right. Sipowicz and Fancy work together well when they are not arguing. With Fancy and Sipowicz there is an unspoken bond, despite Sipowiczs somewhat hidden racism, Fancy knows that Sipowicz will always have his back and vice versa (Williams-Hawkins Video Archive, A-118). The third partnership I examined was that of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker in the movies Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2. Detective Carter is assigned to watch over Inspector Lee during an investigation in Rush Hour. The FBI gives Carter, an over-zealous, loud-mouthed, arrogant detective, a job to keep him out of the way. Carter is very dismissing with his Asian counterpart, Inspector Lee. He is also seen as a joke by his entire department. Carter evolves through this movie from an exact personification of the coon stereotype into more of a cooperative, nice guy who just happens to have a big mouth (Granger, 1998). In Rush Hour 2, the same humor is used in a separate country, this time Carter travels to Hong Kong, where Inspector Lee lives and works. Lee now becomes the more bossy of the two because he his more familiar with Hong Kong than Carter. Carter then reverts to his old tactics of yelling and arrogance only to find his efforts futile in the new environment (Granger, 2001). Carter is a much exaggerated character matching up almost perfectly with the classic stereotype of a coon. In 2000, 166 college students (43% male and 53% female)were surveyed. The students averaged 9.96 hours per week of television viewing. The respondents were told to write down and rate the characteristics of people they saw on TV. They were told to do this entirely from memory. Of the 166 students, all of them listed more negative qualities for African American characters than for white characters. African Americans were seen to have more drug dealing, crime, violence and alcohol abuse problems than whites. They were also perceived as less intelligent, lazier, less tolerant, and less patriotic. The fact is that every college student surveyed saw more negative attributes than positive attributes in the African American characters (Fujioka, 2000). The primary objective of the mass media, film and television in particular, is to hide discoveries like this insisting that races are naturally different and each race is consistent (Rocchio, 2000). Despite those statistics, several advances in the way the African American is portrayed have happened. Due to Spike Lees success in the 1990s more accurate portrayals of African Americans have hit mainstream (Bogle, 1994). When a segment of the general audience responded to [Spike Lees] films, [it looked as if movies by black directors with cultural traits and distinctions] would reach a white audience just as popular music by black artists had reached white music listeners (Bogle, 1994). In response to the question: How are African Americans represented through television and movies as members of an interracial relationships and what traits are being passed on to the next generation of viewers? Despite the fact that African Americans are usually portrayed as assertive and demanding within partnerships, they are still represented as good partners in television and in movies. Whether their antics lead to the capture of someone or the just lead to an entertaining movie, they are portrayed as good partners with open minds and are not portrayed as racist against people from a different ethnic background.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Future of Marine Communication in Navy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Future of Marine Communication in Navy - Essay Example As Harris has said, "Communications is everything, it's the ability to pass information down to our units that are supporting us and are working in our group, and up to our bosses so that they have a feeling of assuredness that we're doing the right thing in a timely fashion, and we're answering their questions, as well". ( In 1916, telephone and telegraph on a trial basis connected the United States Navy Department. The result of these tests was so satisfactory that the department proposed to arrange for a non-stop direct long-distance service by telephone and telegraph. From these preliminary experiments, developed the current concept of communications through wireless means as radio and data links. The latest technology trends in naval communication is Marcom, a digital integrated voice / data switching system for affordable command and control equipment supporting communications and radio room automation. It uses the latest technology to offer the user a command and control system that is inexpensive, user friendly, and a solution to the complex voice, video and data communications needs of current and future endeavours. L-3 Communication Systems-East designs, located in New Jersey, has developed this technology. "Marcom has the flexibility to support integration with both legacy and modern communi cation systems like automated radio rooms based on network radios like JTRS. Applications include: shipboard / mobile interior and exterior communications; radio base band circuit switching; air traffic control; secure switching; and command and control centres." This virtually caters for all that the Navy needs today. ( Selex Communications is another naval communications provider which specialises in different aspects of communication system design including: New-generation radio transmitters, transceivers, receivers and ancillaries covering the VLF to SHF frequency range to meet the communication requirements of strategic and tactical military operations New generation wideband switches for wire, fibre-optic and wireless communication networks, supporting and extending the ATM and IP modes of operation in compliance with the security requirements of military applications Multi-function, multi-algorithm crypto devices for information security over wire and wire less channels" ( In conformity with these requirements, it has been providing Ship-Shore-Ship Buffer Stations for NATO Navies Italian satellite program (SICRAL) and tactical land-based/ship board/airborne terminals NATO BRASS program, a network of shore- based stations to support Naval Broadcast and Ship-Shore services. It also provides external communications subsystem for plain/secure voice/data communication between the ship and the out side world, consisting of radio equipment with ancillaries and antennas to include: HF transceivers (SRT-175/N, SRT-674/E and SRT-2006 families) VLF/LF/MF/HF receivers of the MSC SR-1022/N family Broadband, fan-type and narrowband HF whip antennas V/UHF transceivers (S

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

St. Sernin Toulouse Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

St. Sernin Toulouse - Research Paper Example Being a wonderful historical monument, the Basilica maintains worthwhile significance as a splendid religious structural design. Its vast chapel, outstanding ventilation system and exterior and interior art distinguishes it from its contemporary religious edifices and churches. It is therefore not only this that its spiritual importance attracts the pilgrims, but also the magnificence of its architecture fascinates them in such a way that they feel rejoiced to visit this historical place attributed to the exemplary life sacrifice made by St. Toulouse during the early years of Christianity. Its exterior and octagonal crossing tower can be viewed from SE. In addition, the tower added ca. 1250; spire completed 1478. ( Since monasteries enjoyed the status of the relics of saints particularly during the Romanesque period, the cult of relics became a major cultural factor influencing architecture. ( It is therefore the Christians used to pay much heed to the design and structure so that the monuments could display the valuable services and sacrifices of the early saints during the teaching and preaching of their religious beliefs. By visiting the chapel of St. Toulouse, one is astounded by the art and skills proficiency applied by the expert contractors and builders while making the dream of a magnificent Basilica into reality. Romanesque Architecture 1000 – 1140

Monday, November 18, 2019

MICROECONOMICS presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MICROECONOMICS presentation - Essay Example Barriers to Entry. The airline industry operates in a highly dynamic environment and is affected not only by the legal, technological and economic environment but also by the global environment. Government restrictions and high degree of competition act as entry barriers in the airline industry. However the biggest entry barrier is the gargantuan cost involved in setting up and running the business. The acquisition of aircrafts, implementation of adequate security measures, deployment of skilled manpower and rendering the desired level of customer service entail huge financial resources. The high cost of entry however does not deter organizations with sound business models and adequate financial resources to enter the business. The Australian domestic airline industry, after its deregulation in 1990, has seen the entry of many players each catering to different customer segments. There have been firms that have flourished (Virgin Australian Airlines) and there have been firms that ha ve perished (Ansett Australia). Competitive strategies. In addition to the general business environment, companies are also affected by the competitive strategies adopted by rival firms. ... An example of the differentiation could be an airline (Qantas) which provides ‘bells and whistles’ in its service and charges a high price. Likewise, there could be another airline (Tiger Airways) with a ‘no frills’ service. It is important to note here that these two airlines are targeting distinct customer segments. As such, the high price charged by the airline offering value added services (e.g. in-flight entertainment, free wine) in addition to the core service of transportation does not induce the other airline, which offers ‘trimmed down’ services, to increase the price. Game Theory. There may be instances where more than one firm is competing for the same target market; for e.g. two airlines (Jetstar and Tiger Airways) trying to capture the price-sensitive customer. The competitive strategies employed by one firm and reactions thereof by the other firm are best understood with the help of the game theory. In the world of business game th eory finds applications in research and development expenditure, pricing, new product introduction, strikes, negotiations etc. A manager’s decision in each of these settings depends on the decisions that other players in the industry will take. As such, the payoffs in these setting can said to be interdependent. In the discussion about the airline industry, one may fathom three different outcomes; co-operative game, non co-operative game and a situation of no interdependence. The airline may get together and form a cartel (cooperative game) and operate as if they were a monopoly. In such a case the dominant strategy of each firm would be high price and neither would be compelled to reduce the price because of the implicit co-operation. This is the most logical game when the industry

Friday, November 15, 2019

Different ways to define leadership and mentoring

Different ways to define leadership and mentoring In this report, it divided into three parts. Firstly, it discuss about leadership and mentoring. There have many different ways to defined leadership and mentoring where it done by many researchers before. Leadership is the skills that to lead other people to accomplish the mission and the goals. However, mentoring is the skills that guide, help and consult, as well as set the vision, mission and goals for mentee. Further, to be an effective leaders and mentors, they have to fulfil certain requirements such as the roles, models, values and ethics of leadership or mentoring on individual character. Secondly, it discuss about the characteristics of leaders and mentors. There have many characteristics to be an effective and good leader and mentor, however, in this report, it only discusses a part of the characteristics of leaders and mentors such as communication, good decision making and others. Leaders and mentors are playing significant roles in an organization. So, several factors to be an effective leader and mentor will be discuss on part two later. Lastly, researcher who prepared this report had choosing a platform which is scout society to discuss the potential to lead followers in order to achieve the mission. 2.0 Definition of Leadership and Mentoring Leadership is a skill that done by a leader to motivate a group of members to achieve the goals that has been set by the company. There are many definitions done by researches. Based on G.A. Cole (1994), leadership defined as a process of an individual influences to work voluntarily to achieve the goals of the tasks that has been given. Besides that, according to P.F. Drucker (1999), leadership can raise individual performance to a higher standard and help to build individual personality beyond the limitation. Means while it is a process of an individual leading others subordinates in an organization to accomplish the tasks, motivate subordinates to work hard in a good condition and perform in a higher standard. On the other hand, mentoring can be defined as an experienced person who having particular skills or knowledge to help others who lack of experiences. Referring to Russel and Adams (1997), researches defined it as the interpersonal exchange between experienced employee who known as mentor and a peer less on experienced who known as protà ©gà ©. In an organization, mentors can be a person who holding a higher position in that company such as a manger, so, mentors should help and guide as much as possible of protà ©gà © to accomplish vision and mission of the company. Based on E. White (2007) research, a high level manager should be mentors for others and help unlimited employees to complete the mission. 2.1 Roles of Leadership and Mentoring An effective leadership in an organization can be proven to maintain a good condition of a company. So, while leaders leading a group of people to complete the project tasks, leader need to have effective leadership skills. Due to that, the knowledge and skills on the personal leader are important to lead followers in a right direction to accomplish the goals of the organization. There are several important leadership roles requires on a leader. First of all, visioning and setting an example (Vadim Kotelnikov, 2001) is one of the significant factors for the leadership. Leader can build up a proper vision to establish subordinates and lead subordinates to reach the vision. Besides, leadership is a considering of the working result which will reflect to an organization performance. So, choosing a correct strategy to direct followers work efficiently on the project has to be very careful. As a leader, where should care on the organization performance, leader individual has to take the risks of manage change and develop a winning strategy to reach the vision point or the goal of an organization. According to Jeffery Gandz (2005), develop winning strategies to get a better result or performance is helpful for the company. Furthermore, lead by example to show up the confidence in front of followers and gain respect as well as trusty from followers can makes leader easier on completing the task in the whole team. Secondly, empowering and energizing (Vadim Kotelnikov, 2001) are another important leadership role. As a leader, build up a positive environment at the working place can tend to an efficiency of working process. For example, leader showing out a friendly personality to motivate and energize people to work willingly and efficiently to performance well in the project. It can help to increase the performance of an organization. Moreover, empower people by listen on the ideas from subordinates as in a fair condition to avoid unconvinced in the team. Communicate well with subordinates, giving out clear instructions to avoid misleading by followers. Leaders should also always understand the condition of followers and support and helps subordinates while doing the project. Last but not least, leading team (Vadim Kotelnikov, 2001) is a common role of leadership. Leader is to lead a group of people on performing a particular task. However, leader also considers as one of the team members in the group. Leader has to carry out the value of team work to ensure the whole team is in a well performing. So, leader should involve everyone include leader individual to performance the task. Further, allow to have a group discussion for followers to get a well performance and decision. The result that done by followers should be rely to and trust on the working scope, yet, leader has to provide an effective feedback for subordinates on the result. In contrast, mentors is to guide mentees to accomplish the mission that given. Based on the research of S.K. Hill and M.H. Bahnink (1998), effective mentoring can progress a better result such as performance levels, promotion rates, upward mobility, income and job satisfaction of mentors and mentees. It is almost the same as roles of leadership whereby roles of mentoring also have to contribute the skills and guideline, role modeling and the most important is effective mentoring relationships. Mentors have a specialist skills or knowledge to help mentees in order for mentees to gain confidence while doing the tasks. By using mentors updated knowledge to aid mentees and build up confidence as well as offering a new challenge tasks for mentees to improve mentees learning knowledge. In an organization, role modeling of mentors such as responsibilities on the job scope, confidence, trusty of others allow mentees to examine and being an example for them. Mentors can be consider as a representative of an organization, due to that, mentors have to always giving out a good impression to mentees in order to increase the presentation of mentees where may reflected performance of a company. Lastly, effective mentoring relationship such as well communication, pay out attention and concern on mentees, and others to build up a good relation with mentees is very important. It can reflect the learning process of a mentee, due to that, a proper mentoring relationship must always maintain in a good condition in order to gain respect from mentees and efficiency of learning and completing a task scope. 2.2 Models of leadership Different leaders have different leadership style and behaviour, where it is discuss in different types of leadership models by several researches. In this report, the leadership model is going to discuss is John Adairs action-centred leadership model. For an organization, John Adairs model is the simplest model to carry out leadership presentation. This model is suitable for leadership and management of any team, group or organization. In this mode, it included the term of task team individual. Achieving the Task Concern for the Individual Building and Developing the Team Figure 1.1: Action Centred Leadership model Source: Effective Leadership, John Adair (1983) An effective leader should fulfil three of the obligation that shown in the action centred leadership model. In an organization who holding the position as a leader should be responsibilities on achieving the task-team-individual model. It is helpful on maintain good condition of the company and the environment around subordinates. Responsibilities of a leader in order to achieve the task, leader has to defined the task, provide a clear vision, plan and allocating the resources such as set a deadline for the task as well as controlling and monitoring are in well progress. Secondly, as in a group, team building is very important. Leader should able to communicate well, setting standards and able to manage the conflict within the group. Finally, responsibilities as an individual, leader has to taking part on doing the task together, motivation as in able to gain more confidence, accept any feedback from subordinates and able to get respected. (Alan Chapman, 2001) 2.3 Values and Ethics of Leadership and Mentoring Values and ethics are important aspects in an individual personality. Referring to Lisa Murton Beets (2006), values and ethics showing by a leader will reflect an organizations culture, due to that, leaders should always increase awareness on individual presentation. Individual moral personality should have either for leader or mentor. Besides that, according to Toor and Ofori (2009), leader or mentor should always involve in the task to lead or guide and consult others, yet, it must be beneficial to other but not leader or mentor. Further, leader or mentor should avoid situation that may hurt others people such as scolding in front public where may cause lost of confidence to themselves. However, leader or mentor should always praise followers, subordinates or protà ©gà © in order to have a comfort working environment and maintain a good relationship between each others. 3.0 Characteristics of Effective Leader In a country, organization, society, or a group of people on doing a project, there must be a leader to lead those followers to achieve their goals. Leader is a person who influences other people to work using their capabilities to accomplish the goals that has been set. Therefore, it is important that a leader carry out their responsibility to ensure the effectiveness of their leadership skill to conduct a group of people in order to complete their task. To be an effective leader, there must be fulfilling several characteristics. First of all, a leader must be a good communicator (Self improvement, 2009). Communication between leader and followers is important where it can avoid misunderstanding between each other, comfortable of subordinates while working and others. A good leader not only to conduct a group to complete their task, however, leader must able to communicate with followers in order to make them work comfortable on their position. Leaders must use an easy and clear instruction to giving out the significant information to avoid uncertainty barriers while completing the project. For example, the language that using to communicate, the ways of talking with others must be in a proper way and easy let followers receive and respond on it. So, both of leader and follower must able to understand each other conversation and giving feedback. Secondly, decision maker (Self improvement, 2009) also is one of the characteristics for a leader to lead followers or subordinates in a correct path way. Decision making is very significant on doing and complete a task. If theres a wrong decision has been makes, therefore, a whole group of people could receiving a wrong information and unable to achieve the goals that set by company. For example, when a company facing a slightly loss in end of the month. As a leader of a company, a right decision making on carry out a proper strategy to solve the problem and lead the subordinate to work harder and bringing back the company to a correct direction. Thus, a leader must have the capability of making right decision in particular situation such as choosing a correct strategy to complete the task. A part from that, self-confidence (online youtube source) of a leader should be included in the characteristic of effective leader. A leader should always have a great idea, creativity, different type of thinking than other people for the project, in addition, leader must able to giving out opinion or feedback on those ideas came from subordinates as well. For example, a leader of a project has to show up confidence on the ideas, creativity and others to provide a clear feature to a group of people in order to accomplish the projects goals. Hence, it is important that leaders showing their confidence to followers, so, the words out from a leader could be more convincing to other people and makes the followers work willingly to complete the task. Another characteristic of effective leader is lead by example (Self improvement, 2009). Normally subordinates would take leader as an example for themselves. That means, everything done by leader could reflected to followers. As an example, if a leader in an organization using the position power to take a small smoke break, it could reflect to subordinates and might be follow by them. Consequently, leader should have a good role model shows to followers, and therefore, subordinates would giving a respect and high expectation to leader. Moreover, leader who knows to correct and knows how to accept correct (online youtube source) also is one of the components of effective leader. Knows to correct means, leader should correct the mistake of the followers in a proper way. Leader could not lose temper or upset while correcting subordinates. For example, leaders have to aware non-verbal communication such like scolding followers when correcting the mistakes. Conversely, knows how to accept correct means, leader should be respect and accept the correction that makes by followers. Even leader should have to know apologize when making a mistake. Further, there might be some subordinates has more experience than a leader, so, leader has to accept the correction and learn from it. It would result to a respect from others people. 3.1 Characteristics of Effective Mentor On the other hand, mentor can be defined as an experience person who teach and guide another person who less experience on certain field such as, teachers and students, or experience employees and less experience peer. In an organization or society, mentors also playing a significant role to guide or help other people who lack of experience on doing their task or project. So, mentors must have few years more experiences than mentee which could help and provide them a correct information and instruction. A good and effective mentor must have enclosed several characteristics. Firstly, mentor must have particular knowledge and skills (W. Angie and K. Premkumar) and and which related to the field. In an organization, the mentors should be familiar with the structure and the culture of the company, so, these could easy to guide and help other people who lack of experience in the organization. Which means that, mentors of the company should be had experiences of few years and clearly knows about the field and the norms of the company. Besides, mentor should always update the technologies, knowledge, skills, and the current issue of company as well as outsider world. In addition, the willingness of mentor (W. Angie and K. Premkumar) also is one of the characteristics of effective mentor. The willingness of helping others and the willingness of time commitment are very important for a mentor. Spending time on someone as well as helping and guiding the person to achieve the goals are a responsibility of a mentor. Besides, providing feedback also must be done by a mentor where mentee able to obtain the result of the performance. Therefore, as an effective mentor, time management must be efficient where can due to sufficient time for mentee. Values of patience and tolerance (Susan M. Heathfield, 2010) also are a significant characteristic of effective mentor. Mentee is a person who lack of experience and might always make mistakes on performance. Different people have different learning level, so, mentor should have the value of patience while guiding mentee. Moreover, mentor should be tolerance while mentee making mistake and accept mentees weaknesses. It is because a mistake can be considered as a chance which allows mentee to learn from mistake. So, the moral values must always show up by mentor in order to help mentee complete the task. Furthermore, mentors should always give encouragement (Susan M. Heathfield, 2010) to mentees and always concern on mentees performance in order to build up a high confidence to mentees. If a person lack of confidence on performing the task, it could lead to fail of performing and fail of achieve the goals. So, mentors should provide a proper encouragement in a right time to allow mentees on building up a good self-esteem and self-confidence. Result, mentees might able to performance well for the project. As a conclusion, leaders and mentors also playing a significant role in an organization, society, or others form of group. Leaders are to lead followers to achieve the goals that have been set, however, mentors is to help, guide, and set the goals to let mentees to achieve it. So, in order to accomplish the goals, leaders and mentors should carry out the characteristic of being effective leaders or mentors to help and lead other people complete the tasks. Respecting each other, communication well, concern and tolerance, as well as others moral values are some of the important components that should have for a leader or a mentor. 4.0 Aspects of Researchers Potential to Lead Followers Based on researchers experienced when secondary school, researcher has been chosen to be a leader of scout. Scout is a society which involved in worldwide and with the main objective of supporting people on their physical, mental, and spiritual development. Scout is playing an important role on this society world, therefore, as a part of scout members have to always help others no matter on the different of races, religion, or ages of the person. There have many activities included in scout society such as camping, hiking, jungle tracking, woodcraft, and others. On researchers few years experienced on being a leader of scouting, researcher had gain many knowledge and skills to be an effective and good leader. Scout included many members inside where a leader have to be tolerant and patience while conduct a group of people. When a leader lost tempered and scolding in front other people, members could be scared and feel uncomfortable on joining this society. As the aim of scout is have to supporting young people, due to that, leading with a moral value character is the most important rules for a leader. Furthermore, scouts mostly include outdoor activities for members. Researcher had attended many kind of camping while being a leader. There will be met up of others schools scout members or even international scout members. So, able to socialize with other people is another major factors to be an effective leader. Proper social with other members showing out a friendly side of researcher individual and gain respect and heart from them would be smooth movement while joining those activities. Researcher, as a leader which represents a state has to communicate well, paying attention and concern with researchers followers. Beside, socialize with others leaders and members could help to increase the skills and knowledge to be a good leader. In the camping activities such as learning fist aid skills, woodcraft, tracking and others, researcher was a team leader. All of these have to carry out a team work value among each other in order to successful complete the activities. Besides, researcher has to involve personal in the activities and build up a good team work condition with other members. Even though it separate to a small group of people in those activities, since every person having different types of knowledge and skills, so, team work still important for them in order to exchange knowledge and skills among each others. Additionally, a leader would not be perfect in all the areas, researcher might has certain part could lack of knowledge or skills. So, involving individual to taking part on those activities enable researcher to learn and gain more knowledge. Also, researcher able to manage conflict among group could bring out a better learning environment for followers. Furthermore, researcher always gives out challenge for followers to train their discipline, confidence, and moral values of followers. Those aspects are significant and useful for followers from time to time. Being a good leader should train followers to be an excellent person where can helps society world in future. Challenge such as creating a marching formation, woodcraft and others where it needs creativity of an individual and skills that had learnt. Researcher has to explain clearly on the mission, rules that followers have to follow, deadline and others for followers. For example, researcher gives out a challenge of creating a marching formation using team creativity and performance it after. Followers must be done on time and perform well after. Even though it is a challenge for them, yet, researcher as a leader have needs to lead and guide them and support as well as provide feedback in a proper way which enable followers to get more confidence. Researcher, a leader of scout team always being an example for others, thus, researcher has to be the first who discipline own self, being confidence and motivated in front followers. Where the character and attitude of researcher might influence followers, due to that, an effective leader has to motivate own self always be the first line and as a good example in front others. In addition, based on the experienced that gain from there, researcher has always treating fairly to every individual person in the team. While a person did wrongly and should be penalty, or a person did well in particular performance, researcher should give fairly treated to them. Researcher could not didnt penalty due to the follower is close friend to researcher or didnt praise and reward person who doing well performance in that team. As a conclusion, followers are a significant asset for any society, organization, association or others to being success and achieve the mission. Due to that, researcher should have good moral value on own character, always concern on followers needs, be motivated and motivate followers on gaining confidence. Respect each other, treated fairly, being a good shadow to followers and providing feedback as well as accept any feedback from followers to have a stable and unchangeable good relationship with followers. All of these are the main aspects to being an effective and efficient leader. 5.0 Conclusion People who holding high level management position in an organization should have a good leadership skill in order to accomplish the mission and goals of the company, well leadership to followers have to widely use. Furthermore, problems always occur either on organization performance or co-worker in a company, thus, leaders have to enclose an efficient thinking, making a correct decision to solve the trouble of company and conflict among employees or followers. Additionally, mentors have to consult one or more person who lack of experienced using their mentoring skills. Helping and guiding mentees could gain back the confidence of mentees and providing feedback for them is a way for them to learn more from their mistake and performance. As a conclusion, leader and mentor have responsibilities to their followers or mentees to maintain good condition of a company. Providing a good working environment for subordinates is the main factor to building up good relationship among each others. Therefore, the willingness on helping and guiding them could be useful and comfortable on learning for subordinates.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chinese Dynasties Essay -- essays research papers

Chinese Dynasties: 1. Shang: Also called Yin, dynasty that was China's earliest historically verifiable state 1766 B.C. to 1122 B.C. A. Reason's for Rise: Unlike the early accounts of history by the Chinese, there is archaeological evidence of the Shang, who built their cities in northern China around the eastern parts of the Yellow River. For this reason they are called the Yellow River civilization. They were a bronze age people; bronze-working seems to have entered China around 2000 BC (about one thousand years after its invention in Mesopotamia). B. Territorial Location & size at height of power (map): The Shang ruled the area from the North China Plain northward into present-day Shantung Province and westward to the tip of Honan Province. C. System of government & rule & names of noted rulers and their accomplishments: A city-state confederation with a three-fold structure of king, officials, commoners. D. Major Religious beliefs & practices: The Shang worshiped the earth and other nature deities to whom they offered human sacrifices. They communicated with the supernatural by writing messages on oracle bones. E. *Major Accomplishments, Achievements, and contributions: The Shang society was many agricultural. They had a large army. Bronze casting was highly developed and a writing system had evolved. There commerce was highly developed and they used cowrie shells was used as currency. Shang art consisted of Bronze, pottery, and jade ornaments. Writing: The singular aspect of Shang civilization is their invention of writing. Almost all the written records of the Shang have disappeared, for the court records were kept on strips of bamboo. However, inscriptions on bronze and on the oracle bones still survive so we have specimens of the very first Chinese writings. The writing system was originally pictographic, that is, words were represented by pictures that fairly closely resembled the meaning of the word. The picture for "sun," f or instance, looked much like the sun. This pictographic writing eventually developed into the more complex ideographic writing that we are more familiar with. Chinese writing is one of the only contemporary writing systems that still prominently bears traces of its pictographic origins. Religion: The Shang worshipped a figure they called "Shang Ti," or "Lord on High." This supreme ... ...locally developed. This was especially true in China, with its ancient and vast bureaucracy. While Genghis Khan was still living, he divided the empire between his four favorite sons. Tului, the youngest, received the original Mongol homelands and parts of northern China. Ogadai received western Mongolia and part of northwestern China. Chagatai was given most of Turkestan in Central Asia. The oldest son, Juchi, received southwestern Siberia, western Turkestan, and Russian lands stretching north of the Black Sea. A fifth section of the empire was later added when Hulagu, a son of Tului, conquered Iran, Iraq, and Syria in the 1250s. D. Major Religious beliefs & practices: E. *Major Accomplishments, Achievements, and contributions: The largest empire ever seen F. Major reasons for decline and fall: Genghis Khan and his eldest son, Juchi, both died in 1227. At a convocation of Mongol leaders, Ogadai was appointed supreme khan. Juchi's lands in the west were inherited by his son B atu. Ogadai made his capital at Karakorum in central Mongolia. He immediately set out to add more of China to the Mongol conquests. By 1234 all but the southernmost region of China had been incorporated.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Hones and Mauritius, or also known for short as H&M, is a big billion dollar Swedish fashion company which engages in designing and retailing fashion products from cosmetics, outwear and accessories for men, women and children. Operating all over the globe, throughout 43 countries with 2206 stores, there are various strategic issues which H&M need to address to keep the company moving forward and increase the market. H&M has a large international incumbents including Ezra being its most significant competitor.Ezra has not been around for nearly as long as H&M and it is already being considered a ‘serious challenge' which makes H&M questions the sustainability of the formula at hand. Using strategic management topics we can further discuss this issue. To begin the PASTEL Framework can be used in relation to strategic management and H&M. By using PASTEL we can categories environmental factors into specific key types, which are political, economic, social, technological, ecologica l and legal.These will help us to explain that environmental factors do not Just revolve around economic forces but other forces which have been mentioned and all are interactive with one another. Politics are forces both throughout the globe and in specific groups within areas which influence certain behavior and reactions. These influences can come from various political movements and concerned media. For example H&M in the past opened up a store in Israel's Jerusalem Malta Shopping Mall which is built in a previous Palestinian village of al-Malta.Since this village has been ethnically cleansed and caused those inhabitants to be referred to as refugees in their own land. This happened throughout the 1948 Naked and caused worldwide protest by activates at H stores. All those protests going on around the world gave a lot of negative reputation and unneeded attention to H. Even though the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm believed that opening the store in Israel would help tit ‘pea ce processes and profits' to H – it still did not affect the feelings of those protesting nor did it change the way H handled the situation at hand.Instead H turned a blind eye to a massive human rights violation and disregarded completely what was happening and this caused activists to begin the world wide approach of operation Boycott. Something similar did happen in the past with a different clothing brand named Mummy, but they did not follow through with their stores in Israel and till today will not open a store until the apartheid system is dismounted. Additionally, in reference to Section C, Article 3 of the Responsibilities of transaction corporations and other business enterprises (2003) H is actually breaching the regulations.It states that â€Å"Business enterprises shall not engage in nor benefit from war crimes, crimes against humanity†¦ Other violations of humanitarian law and other international crimes against the human person as defined by international law, in particular human rights and humanitarian law' Ecological factors in PASTEL framework is anything that falls under environmental issues which is definitely something relevant to H&M. H&M produces a special collection named the ‘conscious collection† using only sustainable materials.As mentioned on their website they are trying to push for fashion for the future. With these commitments come seven promises also stated on their website. Provide fashion for conscious customers Choose and reward responsible partners Be ethical Be climate smart Reduce, reuse, recycle Use natural resources responsibly Strengthen communities Under the PASTEL framework, technological is any influences that H uses for their material. Thanks to these, H was ranked number 21 out of 100 for the most label global brands according to inter brand in 2011, with a brand value of 16. Billion dollars. In comparison with close competitor Ezra ranked in at number 44 with 8 billion dollars' worth of bra nd value. This huge difference can partly be attributed to H&M's long term advertising campaigns with high-profile celebrities. In order to enhance the value of its brand name, H spends around 5% of its revenue on advertising. H has also established a strong social media presence. The company aims to become part of its customer's daily lives through its pages on Backbone,Twitter, Instating, Google+ and Youth as well as the Chinese social media networks Yuk and Sins Webb. Through these networks followers share ideas and opinions and get quick answers to their questions. This is important for this day and ages were people do not want to wait for too long. Also new fashion videos and catwalks are constantly uploaded to Youth with millions of views. The App for uses is also new which offers the latest collection and campaigns and find out what is new.In relation to strategic management it's important to note the Five Forces Framework hen determining the competitive forces. If an industr y has low competitiveness then there will be an expected high level of profit then in comparison to an industry with high competitiveness. H has high level of competitiveness with Ezra therefore their profit margin is close on a large scale. By using Porters Five Forces Framework we can measure 1) threat of entry 2) threat of substitutes 3) power of buyers 4) power of suppliers 5) extent of rivalry between competitors.In regards to competitors and rivalry, the competitive rival for H is Ezra and a substitute would be somewhere like Target/Smart. Ezra would be a very dominant organization to H with its products being very similar. A low differentiation between companies is also an issue as both are assumed to be similar when spoken about with consumers. The threat of entry works in H's advantage as they have different products which Ezra does not offer – for example the conscious collection. The threat of substitution is a big one for this industry as Ezra and H&M are very clo sely knitted.Firstly being price/ performance rations. Sara's products are slightly higher prices than H but overall the prices/performance ratio is very tight. SQ. Drawing on relevant topics in this unit, what do you consider to be H's rare and inimitable strategic capability/sis? Explain your answer. How do you think H&M can identify and leverage or exploit its rare and inimitable strategic capability/sis to achieve or sustain its competitive advantage and respond to the critical issue that you have identified in IQ?Upon research and further reading into the topic I would consider the fact H&M has its own range the conscious collection' reaching an audience of those who are have the want to help the environment to be its rare and inimitable strategic capabilities. H & M, is a environmentally conscious company, which provides economical fashion products around the globe (43 countries) in order to fulfill the seven commitments to the communities. The economic crisis was really stron g and it may increase the interest of the population for cheap and fashionable clothes.Not only has H found a gap in the fashion market, but they have found an up and coming issue and were able to reach it with a positive outcome. With all the issues worldwide, H knew it needed to invest its money into the right things to keep sales up and to also bring new sales in. With H having a big role in the fashion industry, they didn't want to come under any more negative scrutiny as this would bring a negative perception of the company. This is where the idea came across with the plan for using only sustainable materials for the release of the new range, the ‘conscious collection'.Along with this came certain commitments which included, adopting ethical practices, improving working conditions and using natural resources responsibly. The decision to introduce the range and commitments was structured very thoroughly through its strategic capabilities as these do have the ability to con tribute to a long term margin and also a competitive advantage. H&M followed ‘Tech' with the three generic types of dynamic capabilities as this has become the standard and most common practice in industries.The first point is ‘sensing where H has realized that there are new opportunities. No other fast fashion clothing brand has introduced an environmental friendly range at the moment in time so it was the perfect idea. Next point is ‘seizing is when H&M replaced the actual gap in the market with the line. Lastly ‘reconfiguring is basically what H are constantly doing with its update of the line. As new fashion comes in and out of season constantly, H need to keep its new line up to date.As you can tell H has big threshold capabilities which are needed for an organization to keep up to date with the requirements in the fashion market and with other competitors. In strategic management mindset using BRIO† is important to gain competitive advantage. To b egin with the product which has been introduced by H&M needs to be of value to the customers so it can generate higher revenue or lower costs to the business. So in this instance this product hadn't been introduced to the fast fashion oral so the value of it is quite and exciting for the industry.Therefore H&M with this product has taken advantage of its opportunities and threats, understands its value to customers and considered the cost. Next is the need of the product to have rarity. If a product is introduced which is valuable yet common throughout various competitors, then it's very unlikely it is going to be a major source of competitive advantage. Therefore it's important that the introduced line is something rare and will bring customers to the shop especially to view and purchase this line.As you can tell he strategic capabilities that allows H&M to be advanced is not as straightforward and simple as suspected. In this introduction to this line H&M did keep in the mind the next step being the Inimitable capabilities. If other competitors were to introduce something along the same lines they would find it difficult and costly to intimidate or even to substitute therefore would less likely be able to match up to H&M. Lastly H&M needs to be suitably organism to support all these capabilities.They already had the support of the formal and informal management control systems therefore they were blew to fully take advantage of the given capabilities SQ. Drawing on relevant topics in this unit, explain how H&M's culture as suggested by the ‘spirit of H&M' influences the current strategic position of H&M as well as its ability to respond to the strategic issue you have identified in IQ . An organizations culture is the behavior of those people within the organization and all the attachments to the meanings behind their behaviors.It revolves around their visions, language, assumptions, understandings, beliefs, habits, norms and values. It's basically how they do things from where they are in the organization. In any organization, culture has an influence over their strategy. Even the fact the fashion industry has a certain culture would affect the way H&M run their strategies including the different countries and cities H&M would have issues in relation to geographic based cultures due to the fact they have stores in all parts of the world.Each city would have its moralities and the usual way to do things from their knowledge which would differ from the same shop somewhere else. It's important for companies that run internationally to understand such differences H&M's hilltop's links in to the followed and believed culture. From day one H&M wanted to make fashion affordable for everyone so it was something they stuck by quite strongly. Throughout the years of passing through different managers and management styles – the company's culture still relieved on Reeling Persons style of sticking to central values and beliefs.Even the 7 codified core values for H&M link into the rare and inimitable strategic capability, and they are: 1) Keep it simple 2) Straight forward and open minded 3) Cost conscious 4) Constant improvement 5) Entrepreneurial spirit ) Team work 7) Belief in people Within H&M's spirit is the amazing way they really focus on their employee's involvement. Because H&M has this philosophy of participatory management the company is viewed as one with experimentation, trial-and-error learning, fast decision making, and willingness to take initiatives and try new ideas.These are the pillars of the company and without these; H&M wouldn't have the culture it has today. The active encouragement of this spirit is another key ingredient through all organization levels. This way, new things are encourages between purchasing managers and the understanding that mistakes are okay is followed through at all levels. Even managers in the front end of the business are encouraged to experiments with the interi or and exterior of the shop.Decoration, lighting, colors, clothes displays and even locating are swiftly changed depending on sales and preferences of customers. Although any new range which may be introduced must be bounded within H&M's core ideas and values, which the conscious range clearly does. ‘ One of H&M's major strengths are its fantastic brand imagine and the costs of purchases. H&M has established a strong culture which is self-motivating for employees by creating unity and a high skilled work place.The company benefits from a good image from the customers and they have a strong fame everywhere in the world thanks to its huge number of outlets. Also the prices that H&M offer to its customers are really competitive thanks to the cost saving management way of the company. H&M's environment has a very positive outcome throughout all levels of the business and this reflects solely on the complete imagine H&M perceives. The fact that employees get a say and get a chance to get involved in all levels makes it have such a constructive workforce.H&M has lots of freedom for employees to move around through levels of the organization but this has come under some scrutiny as there is no way to point the blame if something goes wrong. This doesn't work for everyone but for those who it does work for, it has a very motivational feel.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Stop seeking out approval and get happier

Stop seeking out approval and get happier We’ve all seen people on treadmills- either at the gym or on TV shows or in movies, and it’s always the same thing: someone is devoting a great deal of time and energy trying to race forward, but the truth is they aren’t actually getting anywhere. Did you know that there are â€Å"mental treadmills† that we often put ourselves on? We focus our thoughts, time, and mental energy on something that gets us nowhere. Worse than this, it keeps us from devoting our limited resources on more productive things that would actually help us achieve our goals in life. Not a good formula for lasting success, is it?One unfortunate but popular mental treadmill is the endless effort to gain the approval of others, which often leaves us unhappy, unfulfilled, and feeling worse and more rejected than before. We spend countless hours- in our daily lives, online, in our interactions with others, and in our decision-making regarding everything from what we wear to what we say and how we behave- trying to get others to approve of us, and it can be thoroughly exhausting. It forces us to expend a lot of effort without really getting us anywhere.Let’s take a closer look at the approval treadmill and discover how we can get off of it once and for all!It’s natural to want approval.First off, breathe- it’s completely normal to want to seek the approval of others. The truth is, humans are social creatures and we’re wired to seek the company and acceptance of people we encounter- from peers and colleagues to acquaintances and neighbors and everyone in between. Simply put, we want to be acknowledged and liked, as it reinforces our sense of self and our life choices, and it provides a boost to our self-esteem.Furthermore, seeking the approval of others can be a strategically adaptive life tool. For example, having a positive mentor or role model in our lives whose approval we are constantly pushing ourselves to attain can really help us ach ieve our goals.A problem arises when we become hyper-focused on the approval of others. This need for external approval and the resultant boost of good feelings it can bring can literally become like a drug, and once we’re hooked it’s tough to get free from it. We tend to want and need larger and larger doses of it to feel â€Å"whole,† and we lose the ability to feel contentment or fulfillment from within. Ultimately, this need for external approval is not a sustainable formula for happiness, and we’re left feeling rejected, exhausted, and alienated from our friends and family. And chances are, the people around us feel frustrated by our constant neediness.It isn’t difficult to imagine a scenario where an intense focus on seeking approval from others can blow up in our faces. Imagine being the person at work who’s always second-guessing himself or herself and asking people for their opinions on every single work task and project. Imagine sp ending way too much time obsessing about your outfits every morning, full of anxiety about what others will think? Imagine feeling the pressure of wondering how everything you say, every gesture and bit of body language will be received by those around you? It’s exhausting!There’s just no way that coworkers and colleagues will be able to keep up with your never-ending demands for approval, and the end result will be them getting frustrated and turned off by your neediness- and you’ll wind up feeling rejected and unhappy, which could even affect your work performance.This â€Å"backfire effect† from seeking the approval of others isn’t just a workplace phenomenon. It can negatively affect all aspects of your life, so it makes sense to take this seriously and try to end the vicious cycle.Get off the approval treadmill.Here’s the bottom line: if you spend a great deal of time and effort on seeking the approval of others, don’t beat yours elf up- it’s a natural human urge. But if it’s ultimately leaving you feeling rejected, use the following strategies to try and free yourself from the approval treadmill.Learn to find approval from within.Some people are naturally good at finding internal motivation and self-satisfaction, while others struggle. Which one best describes you? If you’re among the latter, that’s ok- it isn’t a terminal condition! Give yourself the power to approve of your life decisions and feel confident in your choices. After all, you’re the most important person in your life, so trust yourself and your opinions, and be good enough to yourself to realize that the only approval you really need is your own!Don’t try so hard.Here’s an interesting facet of human social interaction- most of us can tell when someone is trying too hard to get others to like him or her, and it’s usually a real turnoff and has the reverse effect. So, not only are y ou spending extra energy at trying too hard, it has the reverse effect of what you’re hoping for! People usually respond best to those who are genuine and true to themselves, and don’t seem desperate to receive the approval of others, so it’s worth giving a try.Be your best self.Not trying too hard does not mean not trying at all and giving up! We do want people to think well of us, we just don’t want to be insincere. We should always strive to be our best possible selves and to make good decisions with the feelings and needs of others taken into consideration. What’s the best part about this approach? When you share this great version of yourself with the world, that approval from others that you’re seeking will come naturally!Move on when it’s time.Here’s some more truth for you: not everyone that you encounter in life is going to like you (hard to believe, I know), and there are just some folks who’ll never provide th at approval that you’re seeking. When you encounter these people, be polite, but don’t beat yourself up or waste too much effort trying to constantly get their approval- it just isn’t going to happen. Cut your losses and move on- there’ll be plenty of people that you’ll come across in life who will like you for who you are and let you know it!End the rejection.It’s okay to admit that you’ve taken more than a few runs on the approval treadmill- we all have at one time or another, and though it’s more than likely that the experience left you feeling worse than you did before you started, you can now see that there are ways to get off of it and end the rejection. Good luck!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Chemistry Behind Sparkler Fireworks

The Chemistry Behind Sparkler Fireworks All fireworks are not created equal! For example, there is a difference between a firecracker and a sparkler. The goal of a firecracker is to create a controlled explosion. A sparkler, on the other hand, burns over a long period of time (up to a minute) and produces a brilliant shower of sparks. Sometimes sparklers are called snowballs in reference to the ball of sparks that surrounds the burning part of the sparkler. Sparkler Chemistry A sparkler consists of several substances: An oxidizerA fuelIron, steel, aluminum, or other metal powderA combustible binder In addition to these components, colorants, and compounds to moderate the chemical reaction also may be added. Often, firework fuel is charcoal and sulfur. Sparklers simply may use the binder as the fuel. The binder is usually sugar, starch, or shellac. Potassium nitrate or potassium chlorate may be used as oxidizers. Metals are used to create the sparks. Sparkler formulae may be quite simple. For example, a sparkler may consist only of potassium perchlorate, titanium or aluminum, and dextrin. Now that youve seen the composition of a sparkler, lets consider how these chemicals react with each other: Oxidizers Oxidizers produce oxygen to burn the mixture. Oxidizers are usually nitrates, chlorates, or perchlorates. Nitrates are made up of a metal ion and a nitrate ion. Nitrates give up 1/3 of their oxygen to yield nitrites and oxygen. The resulting equation for potassium nitrate looks like this: 2 KNO3(solid) → 2 KNO2(solid) O2(gas) Chlorates are made up of a metal ion and the chlorate ion. Chlorates give up all of their oxygen, causing a more spectacular reaction. However, this also means they are explosive. An example of potassium chlorate yielding its oxygen would look like this: 2 KClO3(solid) → 2 KCl(solid) 3 O2(gas) Perchlorates have more oxygen in them but are less likely to explode as a result of an impact than are chlorates. Potassium perchlorate yields its oxygen in this reaction: KClO4(solid) → KCl(solid) 2 O2(gas) Reducing Agents The reducing agents are the fuel used to burn the oxygen produced by the oxidizers. This combustion produces hot gas. Examples of reducing agents are sulfur and charcoal, which react with the oxygen to form sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), respectively. Regulators Two reducing agents may be combined to accelerate or slow the reaction. Also, metals affect the speed of the reaction. Finer metal powders react more quickly than coarse powders or flakes. Other substances, such as cornmeal, also may be added to regulate the reaction. Binders Binders hold the mixture together. For a sparkler, common binders are dextrin (a sugar) dampened by water or a shellac compound dampened by alcohol. The binder can serve as a reducing agent and as a reaction moderator. How Does a Sparkler Work? Lets put it all together: A sparkler consists of a chemical mixture that is molded onto a rigid stick or wire. These chemicals often are mixed with water to form a slurry that can be coated on a wire (by dipping) or poured into a tube. Once the mixture dries, you have a sparkler. Aluminum, iron, steel, zinc or magnesium dust or flakes may be used to create the bright, shimmering sparks. The metal flakes heat up until they are incandescent and shine brightly or, at a high enough temperature, actually burn. A variety of chemicals can be added to create colors. The fuel and oxidizer are proportioned, along with the other chemicals, so that the sparkler burns slowly rather than exploding like a firecracker. Once one end of the sparkler is ignited, it burns progressively to the other end. In theory, the end of the stick or wire is suitable to support it while burning. Important Sparkler Reminders Obviously, sparks cascading off of a burning stick present a fire and burn hazard. Less obviously, sparklers contain one or more metals to create the sparks and any colors, so they can present a health hazard. For example, they should not be burned on cakes as candles or otherwise used in a manner which could lead to consumption of the ash. So use sparklers safely and have fun!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ismg 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ismg 12 - Essay Example The Doctrine of Completed Staff Work makes perfect sense in the world of instant information access. This is because the doctrine advertises for full participation of workers in an organization. This is because an IT company needs such individuals, as well as the ideas of every member of the organization (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 200). An IT company needs innovation. People who work in an IT company are creative, and should be allowed to share information with everyone. This is what brings success to a company. Even though, this might make the company vulnerable, it works to the advantage of the company when the corporate culture allows workers to be open (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 200). Barton should not bypass the CEO, and tell the board regarding his news. This is because the CEO is Barton’s immediate boss, and; hence, Barton is responsible first to the CEO and then the board. The CEO also expects his workers to share any vital information with him before handing the matter to the board (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 202). In only some exceptional cases is where a worker can share information with the board without talking to his or her CEO. However, in Barton’s situation, it is advisable that he consults the CEO before talking to the board. This is because Barton’s CEO might feel out, which might ruin the relation of Barton and his CEO (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 202). I agree with Maggie that it is advisable to maintain talks with Williams as this will honor him as the boss of the company. This will also keep the boss prepared in case of any bad news regarding the actions being planned (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 203). Maggie know that Williams could be a stubborn person, and when he feels left out in matters that should involve him, then the firm will suffer from his quarrels. It is essential to keep the boss posted, and ask him/her what they think about